Homicide rates in Latin America

  • UNODC - Homicide data of the World Health Organization
  • OMS - Homicide data of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • UNODC vs. OMS - Ratio among the homicide data of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and those of the World Health Organization

Accurate and reliable data are essential to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that generate and perpetuate violence in the region. Likewise, they are a precondition for the analysis and evaluation of public policies on the matter, which allows us to know whether the initiatives work or not and to what extent. Finally,  high- quality data are essential in terms of transparency and accountability towards the citizenry. This section presents a series of resources aimed at estimating and improving homicide data in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Protocolo de Bogotá

Bogotá Protocol
Several authors | 2015

The Bogotá Protocol on Homicide Data Quality in Latin America and the Caribbean establishes several technical criteria whose implementation reflects a high level of validity, reliability, and transparency.

Bogotá Protocol: diagrammed version
Several authors | 2015

The Bogotá Protocol on Homicide Data Quality in Latin America and the Caribbean establishes several technical criteria whose implementation reflects a high level of validity, reliability, and transparency.

Qualidade dos Dados de Homicídio na América Latina
Eduardo Ribeiro, Doriam Borges, Ignacio Cano | 2015

Empirical diagnosis of the quality of homicide data in Latin America and the Caribbean that served as input for the elaboration of the Bogotá Protocol.

Quality Score

Score of homicide data quality in Brazil: Methodology
Doriam Borges, Ignacio Cano | 2017

Score or unique index (0-100) on the quality homicide data, elaborated from the technical criteria of the Bogota Protocol and applied to each Brazilian state. The values of the score were used as a reference to define Quality Groups of Statistical Information by the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. This document describes the methodological aspects of this initiative.

Score of homicide data quality in Brazil: Calculation
Doriam Borges, Ignacio Cano | 2017

Score or unique index (0-100) on the quality homicide data, elaborated from the technical criteria of the Bogota Protocol and applied to each Brazilian state. The values of the score were used as a reference to define Quality Groups of Statistical Information by the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. This document describes the calculation procedures followed in this initiative.

Score of homicide data quality in Brazil: Questionnaire
Doriam Borges, Ignacio Cano | 2017

Score or unique index (0-100) on the quality homicide data, elaborated from the technical criteria of the Bogota Protocol and applied to each Brazilian state. The values of the score were used as a reference to define Quality Groups of Statistical Information by the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. This document presents the questionnaire that was sent to the producers of homicide data in the context of this initiative.

Other documents

Global Study on Homicide 2013
UNODC | 2014

Through the filter of data from the global to the sub-national level, the Global Study on Homicide 2013 gives a comprehensive overview of intentional homicide across the world.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 10th revision (ICD-10).
OPS-OMS | 2016

International classification of causes of death appropriate for general epidemiological purposes and for the evaluation of health care services.

International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purpose
UNODC | 2015

The International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes is a classification of crimes based on internationally agreed concepts, definitions and principles for the purpose of improving the international consistency and comparability of crime statistics, as well as increasing the analytical capacity at national and international level.

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